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  • #5539


    Hello, my website has weird width when on mobile. It isn’t wide enough and there is empty space. Can you help me solve it?


    Prosys Theme

    please turn off third party plugin and try to reload. it is issue of third party plugin.



    I can’t find any plugin what could cause this. I’ve tried to deactivate each one along with deleting cache, then checking the website but the problem still persists. Do you have any idea what addon could cause this? Or even what kind of plugin could cause this? Is this cache problem? CSS?


    Riti Prosys

    Hello, Can you please disable the following plugins:
    1) Auto optimize
    2) Cybot
    3) Simple lightbox
    and check the website, you can view the changes.
    The main issue in your website is “Diese Webseite verwendet cookies”, please disable this plugin and use another one.

    Thank You.



    Thank you for your help, I’ve tried to deactivate Automptimize, Simple lightbox and Cookiebot. I don’t have any Cybot plugin. Unfortunately the problem persisted.

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