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  • #4379


    Bakery shop pro is using 19×19 for social share links facebook,instagram etc.
    section#bakery_shop_pro_social_links-3 > > li > a

    Lighthouse plugin for chrome is warning:

    “Interactive elements like buttons and links should be large enough (48x48px), and have enough space around them, to be easy enough to tap without overlapping onto other elements.”

    Would be possible to fix this to next release?

    Btw: WordPress 5.3.2 is available! Please notify the site administrator.

    thank you


    Prosys Theme

    Hello Ipajen,

    Thank you for your query and suggestion,
    Please send us your website link and screen shot that you will like to increase size. We will provide you code and you can implement in your website.
    We can’t change font directly on our main theme to 48px x 48px becasuse it will hamper others.

    and thank you for suggestion of WP 5.3.2.

    Best Regards,
    Prosys theme



    From “Many search engines rank pages based on how mobile-friendly they are. Making sure tap targets are big enough and far enough apart from each other makes your page more mobile-friendly and accessible.”
    This would be a positive effect for everyone?

    Regarding those social links would it be also to add “rel=’noreferrer”?

    Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafe
    Add rel="noopener" or rel="noreferrer" to any external links to improve performance and prevent security vulnerabilities.

    My link is:

    thank you


    Prosys Theme

    Thank you for infos,

    we will look for a way to add options to change icon sizes. and also give options for adding rel tags.

    thank you.


    Poppy Irawan Arif

    I will try to used this items.
    Thank you,

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